The Dash with Matrilla
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
716 episodes of The Dash with Matrilla since the first episode, which aired on December 4th, 2018.
The Choice is Yours
September 10th, 2021 | 3 mins 38 secs
#christianity, #church #lifelessons, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The outcome of it all is most times determined by your choices
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Fear - Less
September 8th, 2021 | 4 mins 29 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
When you are Fear Less your enemy will have Less to work with. Stop playing walk in confidence!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
The Inside Enemy
September 6th, 2021 | 38 mins 34 secs
#burntfeet #forgiveness, #christianity, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #kimgrowingfreerobinson #encouragement, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Don't be fooled, not all of your enemies are on the outside, some of them live on the inside too!
"Burnt Feet" the book is an uncut behind the scenes look at how abuse can affect children. Though it is a personal story. The Author believes many can relate. The goal is to sound the alarm, so that healing can take place. The Author paints the picture for you to think about your inner private spaces where no one is allowed. The places where you keep the real stuff tucked away on pause. Burnt Feet was written to help you deal with it all from broken to heal to whole, this book is sure to inspire.
Author Kim Robinson quotes Hannah Blum "My story is not a sad story, it's a real one. It's a story of a girl who fought through a storm she thought would never end."The book " Burnt Feet" is due to release in October.
Follow the Author @KimGrowingFreeRobinson (FB)
@1stroyalmother (IG)
Presale information
Get your presale copies today!! $20
Payment options: cashapp $causeKimsaidso, Paypal - jroyalchief, Zelle - krobinsongmail.comCLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or o to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Locked Out
September 3rd, 2021 | 4 mins
#christianity, #church #noaccess, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Don't be deceived, you can get locked out!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Snap Out of It
September 1st, 2021 | 5 mins 52 secs
#beatdown, #christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Beating yourself up about it won't change the fact that it happened, so snap out of it and move on!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Final Destination
August 30th, 2021 | 5 mins 32 secs
#christianity, #church #itsfinal, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The final destination is your decision, choose wisely.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Bulls Eye
August 27th, 2021 | 3 mins 22 secs
#christianity, #church #darts, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Target practice is over, it's time to hit something!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Perfect Peace
August 27th, 2021 | 3 mins 14 secs
#christianity, #church #thoughts, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #process, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The thought process for Peace is Trust.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Training Days
August 25th, 2021 | 4 mins 55 secs
#christianity, #church #success, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #preparation, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Lack of preparation could delay your success.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Case Closed
August 25th, 2021 | 5 mins 26 secs
#cases, #christianity, #church #settled, #encouragement, #faithful, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Once you have settled it in your heart, move on and don't look back.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Cruise Control
August 23rd, 2021 | 7 mins 19 secs
#christianity, #church #cruisers, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The perks of a cruise control lifestyle is AMAZING!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Slow Movement
August 23rd, 2021 | 6 mins 30 secs
#christianity, #church #slowmotion, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Slow movement doesn't necessarily mean no progress.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Active Prayer
August 20th, 2021 | 4 mins 43 secs
#christianity, #church #wastingtime, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Idle prayer is a waste of time!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Prayer Band
August 20th, 2021 | 4 mins
#christianity, #church #prayer, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
If you talk to the Lord, He will reassure you He is STILL in control!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
When the Dust Settles
August 18th, 2021 | 7 mins 15 secs
#christianity, #church #clearview, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #power, #preparation, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The dust is a distraction, don't give up!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Socially Damaged
August 18th, 2021 | 3 mins 56 secs
#christianity, #church #social_network, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Depending on the circumstances rejection can a positive thing.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!