The Dash with Matrilla
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
716 episodes of The Dash with Matrilla since the first episode, which aired on December 4th, 2018.
False Truth
April 17th, 2023 | 4 mins 50 secs
#christianity, #church #faketruth, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
No matter how you dress up a lie, it's still a LIE!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Target Practice
March 17th, 2023 | 7 mins 7 secs
#christianity, #church #targetpractice, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
What do you do when you're the target?
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
The Match Maker
March 15th, 2023 | 5 mins 40 secs
#christianity, #church #thematchmaker, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #perfectmatch #lifechanging, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Is there really a such thing as "the perfect match."
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Sticky Situation
March 15th, 2023 | 5 mins 30 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #sticky, #stickysituation, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
There is no situation to hard for the Lord. Try Him and find out for yourself.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Am I Being Tested
February 24th, 2023 | 6 mins
#christianity, #church #testme, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #thisisatest, #transformation, #uplifting
Just because it looks like a test, doesn't mean it really is.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Is This A Joke
February 24th, 2023 | 8 mins 40 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #happiness, #inspiration, #jokes, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #playtime #faithful, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Jokes are funny until the joke is on you!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Need vs Greed
February 15th, 2023 | 5 mins 40 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #greed, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Need is essential, greed is "gimme" in a excessive form
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Cheap Thrills
February 1st, 2023 | 4 mins 17 secs
#cheapthrills #lifechanging, #christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's harmless.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Date Night
February 1st, 2023 | 3 mins 21 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #datenight #lifechanging, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Setting time aside is imperative for building a healthy relationships.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Shattered Dreams
January 30th, 2023 | 5 mins 57 secs
#christianity, #church #forgiveness, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #shattereddreams, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Shattered dreams are just broken pieces that CAN be repaired
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
The Dark Places
January 30th, 2023 | 4 mins 56 secs
#christianity, #church #darktimes, #darkplaces, #encouragement, #faithful, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Maybe your walking in darkness because you have the wrong light source.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Hunger Pains
January 13th, 2023 | 5 mins 36 secs
#christianity, #church #feedmelord, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #hungerpains, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
The Lord is not low on supply, He has more than enough left to feed you and your WHOLE FAMILY!
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
That Time in the Wilderness
January 13th, 2023 | 5 mins 14 secs
#christianity, #church #goingthroughwilderness, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting, #wildernessjourney
The wilderness is proof there is a Promise on the other side, all you you have to do it trust the your travel time to the Lord.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Outside Conflict
January 9th, 2023 | 4 mins 59 secs
#christianity, #church #conflict, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #outside, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting
Don't let what's outside disrupt what's on the inside
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
Groomed from the Womb
January 9th, 2023 | 6 mins 28 secs
#christianity, #church #conceived, #encouragement, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting, #womb
Did you know you were made perfect the moment you were conceived?
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!
The Fire of Yesterday
January 2nd, 2023 | 6 mins 9 secs
#christianity, #church #fire, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #matrilla, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting, #yesterday
The ashes from yesterdays fire serves no purpose for today. Everything you didn't do last year is STILL possible this year.
CLICK the link below to Worship with Pastor Matrilla Every Sunday morning at 10am EST., or go to (click livestream) Matrilla on YouTube @ Faith to Grace Ministries (don't forget to subscribe)
Watch Matrilla Live on FB @FTGMinistries,IncYour D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!