The Dash with Matrilla

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

716 episodes of The Dash with Matrilla since the first episode, which aired on December 4th, 2018.

  • Healthy Mindset

    April 22nd, 2019  |  8 mins 9 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your mindset helps to shape your reality.

    Your D---A---SH is your Life

  • Getting Rid Of Doubt

    April 17th, 2019  |  6 mins 43 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Doubt is something everyone has faced at least once in their life. Doubt is like cancer, it'll spread it you don't get it under control early.

    Your D---A---SH is your Life!

  • Dreams Worth Having

    April 15th, 2019  |  6 mins 32 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Dreams Won't work unless you work ( John C. Maxwell). If you believe your drams are worth having, work at achieving them daily. Don't give up on your dreams!

    Your D---A---SH is your Life!

  • Part 1: Share Your Gift

    April 15th, 2019  |  6 mins 47 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    God gave you something to share with the's called YOUR GIFT!
    Your D---A---SH is your Life

  • Part 2: You Are Special

    April 8th, 2019  |  6 mins 9 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #gifted, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #life_changing, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #special, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!
    How you present yourself to the world is a reflection of the way you see yourself. Don't hide be hide guilt, shame, doubt or fear any longer! There is something special about you, share with the world.

  • Part 2: What Are You Expecting

    April 8th, 2019  |  5 mins 50 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #expectations, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE! Expect to live well, be Productive & prosperous. Be Healthy & Happy!
    You are the God is the author of your life, but he made you the co-author, what will you add to your story?

  • Part 1: What Are You Expecting

    April 5th, 2019  |  6 mins 38 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    You Expectations pave the way for your future!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Part 1: You Are Special

    April 3rd, 2019  |  1 min 59 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    There is no one in the world like you, so that makes you special!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Part 6: Clearing Your Space

    April 3rd, 2019  |  8 mins 13 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    In order for any one to fully enjoy the space they live in they must first make it conducive for what they're expecting.
    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Episode 105: The New Zone

    April 1st, 2019  |  6 mins 21 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #happy_times, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #new, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    When the old way is no longer working, seek to do something new. God's plan for your life has always been good..the problem is you've allowed past events, people, negative circumstances & situation to tell you different.
    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Episode 104: The New Zone

    March 27th, 2019  |  11 mins 27 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Don't be so quick to resist change. The way you accept or reject new things could be the determining factor to succeeding or failing.

  • Part 5: Clearing Your Space

    March 27th, 2019  |  8 mins 59 secs
    #bible_friendly, #change, #chrisitian_men, #christian_women, #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Make your space conducive for the blessings of the Lord to flow freely in your life. Don't allow any area of your life to be stagnant. Keep a positive flow moving in your life at all time. Psalm 98:1 is a good inspiration scripture for clearing your space. Why? Because it provides proof that YOUR VICTORY is in the hands of the Lord~therefore you don't have to walk in anyone's shadow

  • Episode 102: The New Zone

    March 20th, 2019  |  8 mins 15 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #newadventure, #newlife, #newme, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your ( -----) is YOUR LIFE!

  • Part 4: Clearing Your Space

    March 20th, 2019  |  9 mins 7 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #revive, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your (-----) is your LIFE!

  • Episode 101: The New Zone

    March 18th, 2019  |  9 mins 21 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Living between LIFE---&---Death...because giving up is NOT an Option!

  • Part 3: Clearing Your Space

    March 18th, 2019  |  10 mins 11 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Living between LIFE---&---Death...because giving up is NOT an Option!