The Dash with Matrilla

Your D--A--S--H is your LIFE Story!

About the show

The Dash with Matrilla podcast is all about uplifting, inspiring, mentoring, motivating, & encouraging men and women to Never give up on their LIFE or their Dreams! But the core to the podcast is to Never give up on GOD!

The Podcaster ( Matrilla) is an Educator, Pastor, Radio Personality & Author who use skills, knowledge & real-life experiences, love, biblical scriptures & principles to assist those who are serious about transforming, rebuilding, or redirecting their life to a level beyond stagnation, negativity, fear, doubt, shame, guilt and or insecurity. The drive behind the passion to help others develop spiritually, mentally & physically stems from personal experience of having to restructure and rebuild her life after a divorce. Losing a business. Bankruptcy & taking care of a terminally ill parent while battling with depression from an over flux of pent-up stress. The day God showed her what it took to Live a Healed, Happy & Whole life from the inside out, was the day she got serious about restructuring and rebuilding her life through the word of God beyond what society calls normal. It was also the day she made a commitment to wake up every day expecting to encourage, motivate, inspire & teach others how to keep their faith in God & be Joyful in this space called LIFE.
Learn to live your life to the fullest spiritually, mentally & physically.... after all YOUR DASH IS YOUR LIFE STORY! What is your Dash currently saying about you?
*** your dash is the space between the date you were born and the date you died***

Matrilla's motto is Never Give up on your Life. Never Give up on your Dreams & NEVER Give up on God. Her signature or tagline is "Smile It's Contagious!"

The Dash with Matrilla on social media


  • Impossible, Possible

    August 28th, 2019  |  7 mins 19 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    All things are POSSIBLE with God, even when they look impossible!

    Your D--A--S--H is your LIFE between life - death!

  • Stable Mindset

    August 26th, 2019  |  7 mins 42 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your thoughts becomes words. Your words become action. So be mindful of what you entertain during your thought process.

    Your D--A--S--H is your LIFE between life - death!

  • Wandering Promise

    August 26th, 2019  |  7 mins 6 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    The wilderness is a place of growth, spiritual awakening and so much more...Your promise is only a few steps ahead of you, keep walking.

    Your D--A--S--H is your LIFE between life - death!

  • Learn and Teach

    August 19th, 2019  |  7 mins 3 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    If what you learn brought positive results to your life, pass it on to someone else. Share what you know, it'll keep you alive when you're gone

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Beyond Dreaming

    August 19th, 2019  |  6 mins 25 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Dreams are more than just wishful thinking. Dreams are formed out of the desires of one's heart.

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Mixed Emotions

    August 12th, 2019  |  7 mins 41 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #life_changing, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Sometimes life throws a curve ball our way, leaving us feeling defeated, lost and confused.... but God has a way of working it all out for our Good in the end.

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Unwanted Guest

    August 9th, 2019  |  4 mins 56 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Fear serves no purpose, it's time for an eviction!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • The Comeback Kid

    August 9th, 2019  |  2 mins 55 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your setback ain't nothing but a setup for an amazing Comeback!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Right Now Faith

    August 7th, 2019  |  5 mins 22 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Right now is all you have, allow your Faith to produce what you need for your future.

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Trust God and Move Forward

    August 7th, 2019  |  5 mins 2 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Trust that God has already gone out before you, make your next steps count!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • My Plans, His Will

    August 5th, 2019  |  7 mins 11 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    With all of your planning, be sure to include God...after all, without God your plans are like paper flying in the wind ( no destination).

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Big Faith, Big Victory

    August 5th, 2019  |  5 mins 10 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Your Faith is the force behind your Victory!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Tug A War

    July 31st, 2019  |  9 mins 7 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    There is a battle going on everyday and the fight is over your mind.

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • The Hat Game

    July 31st, 2019  |  5 mins 8 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    Don't get lost in the shuffle, no matter how many roles you have to play.

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!

  • Call Your Thoughts To Order

    July 29th, 2019  |  5 mins 59 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    My number 1 book says " a double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

    Your D---A---SH is Your LIFE!

  • This Is Love

    July 29th, 2019  |  7 mins 28 secs
    #christianity, #encouragement, #faithful, #forgiveness, #happiness, #inspiration, #laughter, #lifechanging, #motivation, #motivational, #power, #purpose, #rebuild, #reposition, #spiritual, #strong, #transformation, #uplifting

    For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten son. NOW THIS IS LOVE!

    Your D---A---SH is your LIFE!